Tour Guide Headset System for Tourism

Tour Guide Headset System for Tourism

Tour Guide Headset System for Tourism

Despite the decline in the tourism industry in the wake of covid-19, the industry as a whole is now recovering globally, travel and tourism are still the first choices for people to relax. The tour guide headset system is designed to provide a communication solution for people in high-noise and long-distance environments. Based on its function, the wireless tour guide system can be used in almost any scenario of touring or sightseeing.

Outdoor Travel

Generally speaking, outdoor travel activities are always affected by the high noise level of the surroundings and the large area for tourists  to move around. The noisy environment and scattered tourists  mean that the guide must shout to ensure that all tourists  can hear his explanation. Fortunately, the use of tour guide headset systems allows the guide to speak at a normal or even lower volume, which for tourists  not only makes them more focused but also allows them to move freely, and enjoy the tour better.

Gallery or Museum Tour

In contrast to open-air travel, in museums, exhibitions, or galleries, which are very sensitive to noise, tour groups need to be as quiet as possible. The tour guide simply whispers into an microphone,the tourists  listen through their receivers, and adjust the appropriate volume on their own receivers so that everyone can visit comfortably without disturbing the others. By the way, the Retekess tour guide system supports not only microphone input but also auxiliary audio input, which means that the tour guide can pre-record the museum's explanation,and then connect the audio device with a transmitter to transmit the pre-recorded voice file to the tourists , which greatly facilitates the tour guide's work.

Segway Tours

In addition to Segway tours, hiking tours or other activities with mobility require the use of a tour guide headset system. Not only does it help the guide provide real-time commentary while on the trail, but it also alerts riders who have gone too far, and keeps the entire group unified and together. If your travel agency often conducts this kind of outdoor hiking or outdoor riding activities, I suggest you must choose a tour guide audio system that can cover a large range, Retekess TT109 tour guide system in the open area can transmit up to 180 meters, it is a good choice.

tour guide headset system for segway tours

Retekess tour guide system does not need to be installed, and does not require a lot of time to learn how to operate. In other words, he is user-friendly. You just pair them to the same channel, plug in the microphone for the transmitter and the headset for the receiver, and you're ready to go. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

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